


Washington tells Tokyo not to play down wartime history(Financial Times)

Washington tells Tokyo not to play down wartime history
By David Pilling
[Financial Times Published: March 3 2007 02:00 | Last updated: March 3 2007 02:00]

John Negroponte, US deputy secretary of state, yesterday made clear Washington would not support any Japanese attempt to play down its wartime history, calling the imperial army's treatment of sex slaves during the war "most deplorable", David Pilling reports.

His comment, during a visit to Tokyo, came a day after Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, denied that the country's military had forced foreign women into sexual slavery during the second world war. "There is no evidence to prove there was coercion, nothing to support it," he told reporters on Thursday.

Mr Abe appeared to be backtracking from previous official apologies by the Japanese government acknowledging the military's role in setting up brothels and forcibly recruiting women, many from Korea, to be so-called comfort women. Many historians around Mr Abe, who has made restoring pride in Japanese history one of his policy platforms, contend that women at military brothels were volunteer prostitutes.

The issue, which has plagued relations between Japan and South Korea, has recently been revived in the US, where the House of Representatives has begun debating a resolution calling on Tokyo to acknowledge and apologise for its wartime abuse of foreign women.

Mr Negroponte said: "Our view is that what happened during the war was most deplorable. But as far as some kind of resolution of this issue [is concerned], it must be dealt with between Japan and the countries that were affected."

He said the historical issue should not get in the way of pressing diplomatic matters. "To the extent that this issue disrupts our ability to do that, that is a cause for concern."


[フィナンシャルタイムズ 2007年3月3日]




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