


三菱自、米イリノイ工場で2月中旬から7週間生産休止 | Reuters


Mitsubishi to suspend production at Ill. factory — chicagotribune.com


[ロイター 2008年 12月 9日 07:31 JST]

 [デトロイト 8日 ロイター] 三菱自動車は8日、米国内での自動車販売の深刻な低迷を受け、イリノイ州ノーマルにある工場で来年2月16日から4月3日までの7週間、生産を休止すると発表した。

Mitsubishi to suspend production at Ill. factory

[By DAN STRUMPF | AP Auto Writer 4:32 PM CST, December 5, 2008]

NEW YORK – Mitsubishi says it will suspend production at its plant in Normal, Ill., for seven weeks starting Feb. 18.

Mitsubishi Motors North America spokesman Dan Irvin said Friday that the shutdown is due to sluggish sales. Mitsubishi's U.S. sales this year are down 25 percent from 2007.

Irvin says this is the longest shutdown at the plant since it opened in 1988. Employees will still report to work to perform other duties such as maintenance or training and will be paid as usual during the shutdown.

Plant employees historically have had the option of taking unpaid time off during production shutdowns, but Irvin says it's too early to know if that will be an option.

The central Illinois factory makes the Eclipse, Eclipse Spyder, Galant and Endeavor. It employs more than 1,500 people.



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