意思疎通の場を維持することが平和への望み — 英FT紙社説






【英FT社説】緊迫する北朝鮮情勢 意思疎通の場 維持を:日本経済新聞

【英FT社説】緊迫する北朝鮮情勢 意思疎通の場 維持を

[日本経済新聞 2013/04/04付朝刊]



Pyongyang must be kept talking – FT.com

Pyongyang must be kept talking

Lines of communication have to be left open to avert war

[April 2, 2013 6:58 pm FT.com]

North Korea has a long tradition of bellicose rhetoric. The threats of nuclear attacks emanating from Pyongyang in recent weeks fit into a pattern of sabre-rattling that is usually aimed at pushing its demands up the US political agenda. The difference this time is that the drums have been beating louder and longer than usual. This heightens the chances of a deadly miscalculation, whether by Pyongyang, Seoul or their allies.

A number of unrelated events are exacerbating tensions. A new generation has taken power in North and South Korea. In normal circumstances this might offer a chance to pursue new avenues for dialogue. Yet there is a danger that communications could break down as new leaders flex their muscles for the home audience. Kim Jong-eun succeeded his father, Kim Jong-il, just over a year ago. He still has much to prove in a country where the military takes precedence over a starving population. To the south, Park Geun-hye, the newly elected president, has authorised the military to respond to North Korean aggression without recourse to “political considerations”. If Pyongyang’s attacks have not led to full-scale war in the past, this is in part because Seoul has restrained a military itching for retribution.

North Korea’s increasingly strident proclamations come as the US and South Korean military conduct annual drills around the peninsula. This is where accidental clashes could indeed spark grave regional conflict. The exercises are necessary to guarantee South Korea’s security. But there are certain parts of the Yellow Sea where they could become acts of dangerous brinkmanship.

There is an urgent need to decrease the tension on all sides. The young Mr Kim may believe that he is sticking to the traditional rule book by threatening US cities and military bases. But he is setting a dangerous tempo. China, as Pyongyang’s main ally, has finally backed stronger sanctions. But Beijing also has to implement them. In return, Washington has to reassure Beijing that, should it withdraw support and the Kims fall, the peninsula would not become a long-term base for US forces in the region.

The most important step towards defusing the current tensions, however, would be to promote dialogue with Pyongyang. Of course, it should be made clear that any attacks will be met with a firm response. But talks, even on minor issues, will lessen the threat of conflict. This may mean that the US and South Korea have to drop the precondition that Pyongyang denuclearise. Though this should still be the aim, few experts believe that this will be forthcoming. Distasteful though it may be to build a relationship with this rogue state, the only hope for peace is to keep lines of communication open.



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