





[日本経済新聞 2013/8/5 7:00]

(2013年8月2日付 英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙)




By Jonathan Soble


Nazi gaffe exposes constitutional ambition of Japan’s LDP – FT.com

Nazi gaffe exposes constitutional ambition of Japan’s LDP

[Last updated: August 1, 2013 6:07 pm]
By Jonathan Soble in Tokyo

Things have been going so well for Shinzo Abe and his ruling Japanese coalition ? historically high approval ratings, a booming stock market, full control of parliament for the first time in six years ? that it would take an almost perverse imagination to devise a way to screw it up.

Enter Taro Aso and the Nazis.

In a bizarre and offensive gaffe this week, Mr Abe’s deputy premier and finance minister appeared to praise the National Socialists’ furtive undermining of Germany’s interwar constitution. Their methods, he suggested to a gathering of supporters, could serve as a model for Japanese conservatives as they seek to revise their own country’s basic law.

“We should proceed quietly,” transcripts of his remarks on Monday show him saying. “One day, people realised that the Weimar constitution had changed into the Nazi constitution. No one had noticed. Why don’t we learn from that approach?”

Mr Aso is a serial foot-in-mouther. In January, amid a discussion of rising healthcare costs, he said the elderly ought to be helped to “die off quickly”. That there is, in fact, a legitimate debate in Japan about extending the healthy part of old age while shortening the painful final decline, did him no good. He was slammed as a tactless oaf.

His Nazi musings drew intense fire. He started by noting that the Weimar constitution – “the most advanced in Europe” – had not stopped the Nazis coming to power. The point was meant to counter the idea, held by some on the left and in Japan’s Asian former colonies, that Japan’s pacifist, US-imposed constitution is the only thing standing between democracy and a slide back to military dictatorship. Why a less liberal constitution would be better was left unclear, but the statement was innocuous enough. Then things got weird. A few moments later, he was praising the Nazi’s craftiness – and giving his opponents all the more reason to worry.

Once the remarks began to circulate, everyone from Chinese and South Korean officials to the Simon Wiesenthal Centre expressed dismay.

On Thursday, along with a retraction from Mr Aso, Yoshihide Suga, the government’s chief spokesman, felt compelled to “stress that the Abe administration does not perceive Nazi Germany in a positive light.”
Aside from being fuel for outrage, the episode is a reminder that the cultural conservatives who dominate the ruling Liberal Democratic party have not abandoned their revisionist dream. Mr Abe promised after parliamentary elections last month that he would keep the constitution on the back burner and focus on the economy. The pledge was intended to reassure the Japanese public, which is split on revision, and investors who worry a constitutional fight would distract from economic reform.

The right’s plan now, many believe, is to revisit the issue in three years, when the next national elections are most likely to be held. The assumption is that Abenomics will keep the economy humming and draw more voters to the LDP, giving it the legislative supermajority it requires to start the revision process. In the meantime, though, the need to keep conservative supporters in the loop ? as Mr Aso seems to have been doing ? makes it hard to keep the plan under wraps.

Whether Japan would be better off with a new constitution is debatable. A proposed replacement drafted by the LDP in 2005 does not simply remove the ban on keeping an army – ignored in any case under the rubbery interpretation that has prevailed for a half-century. It attaches caveats to civil rights that critics say would make them subordinate to vague notions of “social order”.

Paradoxically, the LDP itself may be one of the current constitution’s biggest beneficiaries. It has ruled for all but four years since 1955, in spite of an ideology that is to the right of most voters. People could cast their ballots for the party without worrying what it might do with the military or their rights, since the constitution didn’t let it do much.

Messrs Abe, Aso and their cohort think Japanese voters will now support their agenda in full, from economics to national security to social policy. Advocating a new constitution may be a more honest kind of politics, but it is perhaps a riskier one, for Japan and for the LDP.



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