


Reprinted Marxist book tops Japan's best seller list – Radio Australia



[Radio Australia Updated Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:11am AEST]



 ハートレー 『蟹工船』と呼ばれるこの小説は、北海道の凍てついた氷の海で操業する大きなカニ加工船について書かれたものです。作者の名前は小林多喜二といい、有名なプロレタリア左翼作家です。小説は、企業と船を動かす監督によって生み出された巨額の儲けと、その一方で、その船の上で働く労働者たちの残酷な労働条件を細かく描写しています。

 マッカーシー その小説が、最初に出版されてから75年以上たったいま、ベストセラーになっている。なぜ、それが、いまそんなに日本人にうけるのですか?

 ハートレー まず第1に、ご存じのように日本は、1960年ごろから約30年間、非常に順調な経済条件を満喫していました。その後、90年代に入ると、経済に非常に深刻な問題が起こりました。だから、1990年までは、日本の人たちは、日本には貧困は存在しないしみんなが中流階級に属していると考えていました。しかし、「バブル経済」と呼ばれているものが崩壊した後は、それを維持するのが非常に難しくなりました。

 マッカーシー 作者自身が、人を魅了する人生を送りました。そのことは、いまのこの小説をめぐる「神話」にどんな影響を与えていますか?

 ハートレー 作者の小林多喜二は、1933年、警察拘留中に殺されます。30歳でした ((正確には29歳と4カ月。))。彼の拷問を加えられた遺体の写真は、彼の死後、流布されました。日本の左翼の労働者階級文学の本の中では、依然として大きく取り扱われていることがよくあります。だから、明らかに彼の死をめぐっては神聖化された雰囲気があります。しかし、私の考えでは、日本は、1930年代に中国侵略で誤った道をすすみ、1940年代に真珠湾攻撃で再び誤った道をすすみました。だから、多くの人たちにとって、小林多喜二は、失われた日本の可能性――別の指導力のもとで、日本が、1930年代、40年代にもっと実りある道をとることができたかもしれないという可能性を表わしているのだと思います。

 マッカーシー 小説は、いままた、もっと若い読者たちによって大きな成功を収めています。驚きましたか?

 ハートレー そうですね。私がみたかぎりでは、若者には特別に大きな圧力がかかっています。実際、経済的な落ち込みの攻撃の矛先が向けられていますし、先輩世代が働いたように働かないといってしばしば批判されています。そして、ますます多くの日本の若者にとって、未来はますます寒々と見えているのではないでしょうか。

 マッカーシー 最後に、この小説の成功は、現在の日本の作家たちにどんな影響を与えると思いますか?

 ハートレー 日本の作家たちはいま、非常に幅広い問題を取り上げています。そして、日本では、作家もそうですが、とくに若者が携帯電話で小説を書き、小説を読むのが当たり前になりました。しかし、日本社会の不正や日本社会の裏面と呼べる問題に立ち向かう小説を書いている日本の作家も多数います。だから、『蟹工船』の成功が、非常に多くの人たちにその書き方を変えさせるような影響を実際にあたえるかどうかはよく分かりません。しかし、この小説が新しい成功をおさめているということ、そして作者が、彼にふさわしい新しい読者の広がりを得ているということを、非常に多くの人がとても喜んでいるのは確かですし、私もその一人です。

Reprinted Marxist book tops Japan's best seller list
[Radio Australia Updated Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:11am AEST]

A Marxist novel written in 1929 has spent the last few months on top of the best seller list in Japan. It tells the story of a crew on a crab boat working in harsh conditions under a sadistic captain. The book was re-released this year with a marketing campaign linking it to the plight of the working poor.

Presenter: Joanna McCarthy
Speaker: Dr Barbara Hartley, lecturer in Japanese literature at the University of Tasmania.

HARTLEY: Well this book which is called "Crab Factory Boat" is about a large crabbing boat that operates in the freezing cold waters north of Okido, which is the northern most island of Japan and south of the Kumchaka Peninsula which is that part of Russia that is very close to Alaska. And the author whose name is Kobiashi Takachi was the well known proloteriat left wing writer and the story gives us detail of the huge amounts of money that were made by the company and the superintendent operating the boat and at the same time, the brutal working conditions of the labourers working on the boat.

So while the management are sitting at the top of the boat enjoying every privilege. They are warm, they have got delicious food and very pleasant living conditions, the men are confined to the hold of the boat, where there is the stench of the crabs, freezing cold conditions, lack of sanitation and all that sort of thing is making life very unbearable.

McCARTHY: And indeed now, more than 75 years after it was first published, it is a best seller. Why has it resonated with the Japanese people so much today?

HARTLEY: Well, it seems to be me. Well first of all, we know that Japan enjoyed very favourable economic conditions for about three decades from 1960 or so. Then when Japan entered the 1990s, there were quite serious problems with the economy. So people in Japan, before 1990, like to think that there was no poverty in Japan and that everyone belonged to the middle class. But that became much more difficult to sustain, after the collapse. They call it the bubble economy.

So many people in Japan now are doing it very, very tough economically. There's increasing numbers of people who fall into the category of the working poor. So these are people who inspite of the fact that they work very hard, they often work in very difficult conditions, actually do not earn enough money to support themselves or their families.

Now if you go back to that time of economic success for Japan, people probably found it difficult to understand the plight of the workers featured in the novel. But more and more people today are likely to feel sympathy, particularly when, and I think it's the same in most industrialised countries, while you have got some people struggling to survive, others are continuing to have a very privileged life.

McCARTHY: And Barbara Hartley, the author himself had such a fascinating life story. How has this added to the whole mythology that exists around the novel today?

HARTLEY : Well Kobiashi, the author, was actually murdered in police custody in 1933, when he was aged 30 years, so images of his brutalised body actually circulated after his death, and these are often still featured in books on left wing working class literature in Japan. So there is definitely a mystique surrounding his death. But I also think that Japan was a country that clearly took a wrong path in the 1930s, with the invasion of China, and again in the 1940s, with the attack on Pearl Harbour. And so I think for many people Kobiashi represents the lost potential of Japan, which could have taken a much more productive road with a different leadership in the 1930s and the 1940s.

McCARTHY: And the novel has also proved a big hit with younger readers today. Did that surprise you?

HARTLEY: Well actually, not at all. There has been a particular pressure on young people, who as far as I can see, have really taken the full brunt of the economic turn down and they have been severely criticised for not working in the way that previous generations did. And it would seem that for an increasing number of young people in Japan, the future is looking increasingly bleak.

McCARTHY: And finally Barbara Hartley, what affect do you think the success of this novel will have on contemporary Japanese writers today?

HARTLEY: Well, Japanese writers today deal with a huge range of issues. And in Japan, there are even writers, particularly young people, who write novels on their mobile phones and reading novels on mobile phones has become very popular. But there are also many Japanese writers today who are writing very confronting stories about the injustices in Japanese society and what we might call the underside of Japanese society. So I'm not sure that the success of the Crab Factory Boat will actually influence too many people to change their writing style, but I'm sure that there are many, many people and I'm one of those people who are quite happy that the novel is enjoying this renewed success and that the author is getting the breadth of readership that he deserves.


  1. 「蟹工船」文庫本出版元の新潮社は、今度は漫画週刊誌の『コミックバンチ』で連載を始めましたね。

  2. かわうそさん、こんばんは。





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