
昨日、オイラのブログのカウンターがなぜか1909ものアクセスを集めました。なんで? と思って調べてみたら、Yahoo!ニュースのこのトピックスにこのブログの古い記事が取り上げられたため、たくさんの人がリンクをたどって訪問してくれたようです。

クラシック音楽 – Yahoo!ニュース

ニュースは、アメリカのデトロイト交響楽団が、オーケストラメンバーの給与削減に反対して、シーズン開幕を目前にしてストライキに突入したというもの。ベテラン奏者の基本給が10万4650ドルから7万0200ドルに減給されるといいます。1ドル85円で換算すると、およそ890万円から600万円弱になる計算です。地元Detroit Free Pressを調べたら、8月ぐらいからもめていたようです。

DSO players picket at Max:Detroit Free Press


[ロイター 2010年 10月 5日 13:11 JST]

 [デトロイト 4日 ロイター] 米国有数のオーケストラであるデトロイト交響楽団の団員80人が4日、基本給の約3分の1をカットするという契約案を拒否し、シーズン開幕を数日後に控えてストライキに突入した。 

DSO players picket at Max

[FREE PRESS Posted: Oct. 5, 2010]

Musicians strike over pay cuts, rules

The musicians of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra walked off the job Monday morning, giving the downbeat to the first DSO strike since 1987.

About 60 players, decked out in formal black concert dress and waving signs, picketed in front of the Max M. Fisher Music Center for 90 minutes, while a quartet of horn players performed alongside.

At issue are management’s proposals to cut pay by about 30% and redefine work rules. The players say such drastic changes would irrevocably harm quality, forcing the best players to leave and making it harder to attract quality replacements. The relationship between musicians and management has been strained for years, and players also feel frozen out of decision-making.

“We’re sure that if we accept management’s proposals, the DSO will no longer be one of the finest orchestras in the country, and that’s bad for the city and bad for us as individuals,” said violinist Joe Striplin. “It’s a matter of vision. We hope the other side will start bargaining seriously and stop trying to bully us.”

Management has said the players are acting irresponsibly and the reductions are needed to keep the financially troubled orchestra from going out of business. Contributions, ticket sales and investment income have all fallen significantly, leading to annual multimillion-dollar deficits, including a projected $9-million hole this year.

After talks broke down Sept. 24, management imposed its final offer; musicians responded by calling the strike.

The contract reduces base pay for veterans from $104,650 to $73,200 by Year 3. The players offered a 22% cut to $82,000, rising to $96,000 in the third year.

The executive board of the symphony, about 25 of the board’s most influential members, including chairman Stanley Frankel, issued a statement Monday expressing regret at the players’ decision to strike but also respect for their contributions, calling them the “lifeblood” of the institution.

“We recognize the musicians’ legitimate concerns, but as a board we are solidly united in our support of Anne Parsons, our president and chief executive officer, and of her management team, and we are united in our conviction that we cannot budge on the financial offer that is at the heart of these discussions.”

Rehearsals were supposed to have begun Monday with music director Leonard Slatkin for a Thursday concert in East Lansing and weekend performances at Orchestra Hall in Detroit. The chance that the concerts will be canceled grows stronger by the day, since no talks are scheduled and the orchestra would need at least one rehearsal before a performance.


Detroit Symphony Orchestra contract showdown:Detroit Free Press



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